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In November of 2014, the High Point Enterprise ran a series of articles about food insecurity in the High Point Community.  At the time of the articles, the Greensboro-High Point MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) was number two in the nation in food hardship.  As a result of these articles, a group of citizens from across the community came together to stop hunger NOW in the Greater High Point area.  This group of concerned citizens came from all walks of life—business, academia, non-profits, community activists, and those that had experienced food insecurity.  Their initial goal was to have the first ever Food Summit in High Point.  As a result of the Food Summit, 90 day plans and one-year goals were set and every single one of the 32 goals and action items were achieved.  Since the first Food Summit, there have been many accomplishments in alleviating food insecurity, but none of these would have been possible without the community engaging in helping solve the problem.  


GHPFA will create just and sustainable supplemental food systems for Greater High Point by fostering unity, developing responsibility and empowering communities.


GHPFA will strive to coordinate and improve the effectiveness of entities in Greater High Point focused on alleviating hunger by creating and executing citywide and neighborhood-focused initiatives to develop more just and sustainable food systems.

© 2016 GHPFA


815 Phillips Avenue, High Point, NC  27262

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